Similar words: unconditional, unconditionally, condition, conditions, conditional, conditioning, preconditioned, air conditioner.
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1. You can do anything on condition that you can finish the homework.
2. He has been granted his freedom on condition that he leaves the country.
3. You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.
4. He spoke to reporters on condition that he was not identified.
5. He was released on bail on condition that he did not go within half a mile of his mother's address.
6. They agreed to lend us the car on condition that we returned it before the weekend.
7. They gave me my uncle's money, on condition that I waived all rights to his property.
8. Until recently, crown land was leased to farmers on condition that they cleared a certain amount each year.
9. The licenses have been issued on condition that PowerGen installs equipment to remove most of the harmful emissions by 1998.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. Ron lent me the money on condition that I paid it back within three weeks.
11. We accept cruising yacht bookings on condition that the levels of experience described on your booking form are correct.
12. Sherman agreed, on condition that she could also use the clothes in her personal work.
13. Two employees agreed to speak to us on condition that they not be named.
14. The parties in Kalmykia were offered interest-free loans on condition that they abandoned politics and went into business.
15. Brennan and Carlin were granted bail on condition that they keep away from witnesses and Nolan was granted unconditional bail.
16. Our sources spoke on condition that they not be named.
17. Aid, given on condition that it is spent on genuine development[], can till the soil for home-grown growth.
18. Much to my surprise she agreed, on condition that we had separate rooms and made our own travel arrangements.
19. On Monday the men were each granted bail on condition that they remained in military custody.
20. I'll do on condition that you pay for everything.
21. They were granted the lease on condition that they paid the legal costs.
22. However, only on condition that it makes juristical connection with social real-life can the virtual estate be involved into the normalization of jural realm.
23. Jack will do the job on condition that he is well paid.
24. General Motors agreed to supply trucks to the Chinese government on condition that they altered their pricing policy on cars.
25. The board fired the garbage collection service and contracted with another young man, on condition that he hire Kenilworth-Parkside residents.
26. An example may help: property could be left to somebody on condition that he did something.
27. Since most of them now work for other publications, they spoke on condition that they not be named.
28. In an environment with obstacles or without, communication experiments are made on condition that there is a handshake protocol or not.
29. The way of computing immediate predecessor (successor) of the new element is given, so the problem of constructing concept lattice is solved on condition that the attribute set is constant.
30. Besides, mechanical analysis of the structural latches is studied on condition that only one group of tightwire work normally.
More similar words: unconditional, unconditionally, condition, conditions, conditional, conditioning, preconditioned, air conditioner, in mint condition, air conditioning, rendition, concoction, in addition to, contrition, political action committee, recondite, concentration camp, in conclusion, edition, addition, sedition, perdition, audition, tradition, expedition, additional, in addition, traditional, extradition, additionally.